On Demand

Volume 2: 10-Day Quantum Shift Meditation (002-GMC)


Self Study

with Gurudev Shri Amritji

Enter the Zero Stress Zone
Reshape your life, Redesign your destiny

This 10-Day Meditation Series is designed to empower you to break down stress. Using the Quantum Breath Meditation™ technique, you will learn to naturally and automatically alleviate the stress cycles that cause anxiety, depression, fear, insomnia, and many other stress related health problems.

Unconscious memories are the root cause of many stress-related disorders. They are built into your feeling body in the form of mental and emotional blockages and belief systems. It is estimated that 80% of all physical, mental and emotional health problems are stress related.

Just as stress appears on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, the Quantum Breath Mediation™ technique alleviates stress accumulation held at all levels.

Meditate with Gurudev Shri Amritji to learn this ancient, mystical practice that is accessible to practitioners of all levels.

"Yoga happens through repeated practice (abhyasa) and non-attachment (vairagya) to the end result.” -Sage Patanjali

• Powerful tools and insights into enhancing vitality, health, wellbeing
• 10 discourses featuring the practical and mystical aspects of meditation and the art of living
• 10 Guided Quantum Breath Meditation™ experiences

• Jumpstart your practice and deepen your spiritual attunement using this 10-Session series
• Experience mental clarity, emotional healing and spiritual transformation
• Explore the therapeutic application of meditation and enhanced well-being
• Shift from mental and emotional conflict to the deeply relaxing Zero Stress Zone

Gurudev Shri Amritji is the first Yoga Guru to bring the inner dimension of Patanjali’s 8 limbed yoga to the west in 1960. These ancient teachings ignited the fire that began the initial renaissance in the global yoga community in the 20th century.

​Over the last 60 years, Amritji has founded some of the largest yoga and health centers in North America. Amritji currently resides at the Amrit Yoga Institute, an internationally recognized training and wellness center in Salt Springs, Florida. Thousands of yoga, yoga nidra and yoga therapy teachers have been trained in his modalities worldwide. Today, Amritji continues to share the ancient depths, hidden meanings and modern applications of the authentic yogic roots from which he began.

Important Information

  • Course is non-refundable once purchased

  • You will have access to the course for 90 days

  • If you wish to continue practicing the course you can extend access to e-courses for a small additional fee using this form: https://amrityoga.org/forms/ecourse-extension-form/

  • There are guided experiences that involve touching the face. If this is not appropriate for you at this time, alternatively you may choose to hold your hands a safe distance from your face.

  • ________________________________________
    Learn more about Gurudev Shri Amritji - Amritji at https://www.amritji.org
  • Module 1: Lecture
  • Module 1: Meditation
  • Module 2: Lecture & Meditation
  • Module 3: Lecture
  • Module 3: Meditation
  • Module 4: Lecture
  • Module 4: Meditation
  • Module 5: Lecture
  • Module 5: Meditation
  • Module 6: Lecture
  • Module 6: Meditation
  • Module 7: Lecture
  • Module 7: Meditation
  • Module 8: Lecture
  • Module 8: Meditation
  • Module 9: Lecture
  • Module 9: Meditation
  • Module 10: Lecture
  • Module 10: Meditation
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed